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Italy: Police arrest suspect over death of gay rights activist

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  • Italy: Police arrest suspect over death of gay rights activist

    Police in Italy have arrested a suspect in connection with the death of a gay rights campaigner.

    The body of Daniele Fulli, 28, was found on the bank of Rome’s River Tiber on Tuesday. He had suffered injuries to the groin and at the back of his neck. One doctor suggested it could have been gunshot wounds.

    Mr Fulli was reported missing on Sunday 5 January and was said to have been suffering from depression.

    Fabrizio Marrazzo, spokesperson for the Rome Gay Centre where the victim volunteered speculated that it could have been a homophobic killing.
    “If it was murder, a homophobic motive must be considered,”Mr Marrazz was quoted as saying.

    Italy remains weak when it comes to LGBT rights.

    The country currently has no protections against anti-gay discrimination in public, in the provision of goods and services or against hate speech.

    Source: Italy: Police arrest suspect over death of gay rights activist