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New LGBT network for European Liberals launched

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  • New LGBT network for European Liberals launched

    A new ‘Liberals for Equality’ LGBT network was launched in London this week, at the 2013 European Liberal Congress, opened by Lib Dem European parliamentary candidate Giles Goodall.

    This network will encourage Europe’s liberal party campaigners to campaign for LGBT rights prior to the European parliamentary elections in May 2014.

    Giles Goodall, LGBT+ Lib Dems member, EU parliamentary candidate and network co-founder, opened the event while the keynote speech delivered by Birgitta Ohlsson MP, Sweden’s Minister for EU Affairs, highlighted that additional support is needed at all levels to eradicate LGBT prejudices in Europe.

    Mr Giles said: “LGBT rights are human rights, and for me as a Liberal Democrat, they are a defining principle. That is why I believe we as liberals need to push the agenda forward and to campaign strongly, consistently and loudly for equality, all over Europe.”

    This event was also supported by ALDE Vice President Lousewies Van der Laan from the Netherlands, who is a regular campaigner on LGBT issues and Adrian Trett from the UK LGBT+ Liberal Democrats group.

    Mr Trett said: “It has been a pleasure and an honour to speak at my first ever ALDE Congress. I hope the Liberals for Equality network will provide a springboard for committing all Liberal parties to campaign for LGBT equality, disseminating good practice, educating and networking whilst providing a safe space for discussion and reflection on the main issues facing LGBT people around Europe.”

    Source: New LGBT network for European Liberals launched