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ILGA calls for economic and civil inequalities to be tackled together

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  • ILGA calls for economic and civil inequalities to be tackled together

    The LGBT conference at UNISON got underway in Liverpool this morning, and included a call from the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) about the links between economic inequality and civil equality.

    Sending a message to the trade union’s LGBT conference, ILGA said that the ”outrageous calls for ‘permanent austerity’ add insult to the injuries suffered by a growing number of people”.

    Going on, it warned against seeking too great consolation in successes for civil progress, such as equal marriage.
    “Civil equality has no meaning when economic inequality becomes the dominating feature of a society or indeed, of a civilisation,” said ILGA.

    “For equality must be genuine, all-encompassing and shared by everyone, or the poisonous seeds of patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacism will continue to grow into exploitation, racism, misogyny, transphobia and homophobia.”

    The message continued: “The fight against economic inequality does not and must not – either for us or our allies in the social movements – divert energy from the fight against trans phobia and homophobia – it is the same fight, it is the same struggle for a world where equality and social justice mean what we expect them to mean, a world where everyone has enough to live by, but also to live for.”

    Fuente / Source: ILGA calls for economic and civil inequalities to be tackled together