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Madonna backs equality for Russia’s LGBT community in ‘Love Conquers Hate’ campaign

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  • Madonna backs equality for Russia’s LGBT community in ‘Love Conquers Hate’ campaign

    Madonna has thrown herself behind gay and lesbian members of Russia’s LGBT community by signing up to a new campaign.

    The Material Girl, 55, is outraged that the Russian government has introduced controversial anti-gay propaganda laws and has joined the growing band of human rights campaigners to speak out against the regime in the run-up to the winter Olympics.

    ‘Even with the 2014 Sochi Olympics just a few months away, fair-minded Russians are facing fines, harassment, and violence at the hand of thugs,’ the Queen of Pop writes on the Human Rights Campaign’s Love Conquers Hate website.

    ‘At this dangerous moment in Russian history, we as advocates have a responsibility to speak up and take our hopeful message global.’

    Taking particular offence to the Russia’s backward views on homosexuality, she goes on: ‘Together, we can send a message to LGBT Russians that the world is on their side, and that those who seek to support them aren’t alone in this fundamental fight for fairness.

    ‘It’s time for love to conquer hate everywhere, for everyone. I hope you’ll stand with me in this fight.’

    Source: Madonna backs equality for Russia’s LGBT community in ‘Love Conquers Hate’ campaign