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    Buscant per internet és fàcil trobar glossaris de terminologia gai. Són bastant graciosos però, clar, estan en anglès i no solen tenir equivalència directa en català o castellà. Així que espero les vostres propostes de termes amb definició per fer el nostre diccionari gai (català o castellà).

    Per inspirar-vos aniré posant algun dels termes anglesos. De moment, aquí van llistes de sinònims de penis, penis gran, penis petit i penis sorpresa (petit quan flàccid, enorme en erecció). Que algú compti quants n'hi ha de penis.


    Aaron's rod; Abraham; arm; arrow;bamboo; baby maker; babys; bagadga; baloney; banana; band-member; bar; bear; beef; beef stick; big bad John; big beast (the -); Big Fatty; big fella; big ten-inch; bindle-boy; bingey; bird; blue cow; bo; bohobo; bologna pony; boloney poney; boner (erect); boss and his two helpers; bottom rocker; box; boytoy; bozack; brains; Bubba; bull-dog; bunker; bunker-shy; bushwhacker;ca-ca; candy; canned goods; cannon; car; cartso; cartzo; cave explorer; cavity probe; Charles the Bald; chaud; chew toy; choad; chopper; chorizo; chub; chubby; church mouse; cock; corundum column; crankshaft; creamstick; crotch rocket; cucumber; Cyclops;dang; dick; dildo; ding-a-ling; ding-ding; ding-dong; dingle-dangle; dipstick; dirk; doinker; dolly; dong; donger; dork; drain pipe; duck sausage; dude; duke;equipment; eye-opener;Fast Freddie; flag pole; flinch bird; flip-flop; fuck pole; fuck-stick; fuzz face;garden hose; gazooney; gears; George (almost any proper male name); Gila monster; ginzel; good old 12 inch long; gonsel; gravy giver; green thumb; groceries; gum; gun; gunzl;hammer; hang-down; Mr. Happy; hard-on (erect); heat seeking moisture missile; helmet; Herman; his majesty in purple cap; horn; hot dog; hymie; hog; Holmes; honker; hooded sword; horn; hose; hot dog;instrument; it;jack hammer; Jake; jiggling bone; Jimmy; jock; Johnson; John Thomas; joy stick; juice-maker;key to heaven; kick-stand; king (the -); knob;laka; lance; leather stretcher; linga(m); lipstick; little brother; little guy; little helmet man; Little Johnny; little monster; lizard; lobcock; lollipop; love gun; love handle; love muscle; love probe; love pump; love python; love rod; love stick;magic wand; main muscle; main vein; maleness; man (the -); manhood; man-root; man-tool; meat; member; middle leg; milk bone; missile; money maker; monkey;monster; morning missile; Mr. Happy; Mr. Microphone; MX;nature's scythe; needle dick; noodle;Oh Henry; old blue; old slimy; one-eyed heated viper; one-eyed Cyclops; one-eyed German; one-eyed monk; one-eyed monster; one-eyed purple warrior of love; one-eyed snake; one-eyed spit monkey; one-eyed tool; one-eyed trouser monster; one-eyed trouser trout; one-eyed viper; one-eyed wonder worm; organ;package; panhandle (from "A Clockwork Orange"); parlor peter; partner; passion pole; peacemaker; pecker; pee-pee; pencil; peenie; peenpeen; peni; penicillium; penis; Peter; Peter pangus; phallus; pickle; pikestaff; pile driver; pilgrim staff; piney; pink pencil; Pinocchio's wooden staff; pistol; pleaser; pleasure tool; plonker; plug tail; plum tree shaker; pocket pistol; pods; poison dart; pole; possesh; pork dagger; pork sword; power drill; power shooter; preschen; pride and joy; privates; prod; prick; prushun; pud; pudding; pump handle; purple headed love dart; purple helmet; purple headed soldier or warrior; purple people eater; pussy finger; pussy tamer; putter; python of pleasure;Ralph; rammer; red; the red rocket; reltney; rigid rocket; ringtail; road kid; rod; romp wrangler; root; rug rat; rump burger; rump splitter; Russell the love muscle;salami; salt-water taffy; sausage; schlong; schmuck; schwanson; schwantz; scrodog; semi-sport; sex pistol; shaft; six inch; short arm; skin flute; snake; spitter; squaw; stalk; star gazer; stick; still; stiffy; stinger; stump; stump plunger; sugar stick; swanson;tadger; tail; tallywacker; teeter; third leg; thing; the big thing or thang; throbbing manhood; Timothy; tinkle; tinkler; Tony; tool; torpedo; tower of power; tree; tripod; trouser snake; trouser trout; troublemaker; tower of power; tube steak; tube steak smothered in underwear; turkey neck;unit; viper;wand; wang; wanger; wanker; war club; warrior of love; wazoo; weapon; weasel; weenie; weener; weeney; weeny; wee-wee; weiner; weinie; wiennie; Mr. Wiggly; whang; whanger; white/black root; white porpoise of love; wick wacker; wienie; wiener; wienie washer; Wilbur; Willy; Willie the wonder worm; wing-wong; wink; winkie; winkle; woman's home companion; wong; wonder wand; wooter; whoozle hunt; worm; yum-yum;

    PENIS - big, large
    applied also to the person having a big penis

    basketful of meat; basket party; bat; beer can; big brother; big hunk of meat; big man on campus; big number; choker; dangler; den dick; donkey (ridged); draped; gallons; hidden magic; honker; horsemeat; hung; ice-cream cone; jawbreaker; loggerhead; long (pole/pork); lumber; meat for the butcher (for the needy - for the poor); squid lids; stacked; surprise package; tail; tall; Texan; Texas longhorn; well endowed; well equipped; well hung;

    PENIS - small

    agate; arm; baggette; biteful; chibi; chicken neck; dink(y); fingerhoot; gnat meat; hung like a mouse; IBM; itty bitty meat; love dart; narrow at the equator; pea in the pocket; peepee meat; pencil dick; small meat;

    PENIS - drammatically growing

    accordion; accouterment; hidden magic; surprise package;

  • #2

    (vbl. n.)

    1. Toe-sucking.
    2. To suck the semen out of someones ass... with a straw!

    És a dir:

    1. Xuclar els dits dels peus.
    2. Xuclar el semen del cul d'algú... amb una palleta!

    Shrimp vol dir gamba. El significat literal de shrimping seria pescar gambes. Faig un esforç d'imaginació però no acabo de veure la relació. Bé, en qualsevol cas, cuidadín amb les palletes!


    • #3
      "Cheese" : La brutícia blanquinosa que s'amaga sota els prepucis amb poca higiene.


      • #4
        Lo del formatge dóna més de si, amb diferents significats.

        es un tio bo de cos prim. (Un tio bo de cos musculós és un beefcake).

        Cheese eater és un home jove o menor d'edat que sedueix gais per després denunciar-los a la policia (també s'anomena cheese bun). El tema del jove atractiu que treballa d'acord amb la policia per a pillar gays debia ser bastant corrent. La llista de sinònims:

        agent provocateur; bait; bleeding dirt; burn artist; cheese bun; cheese eater; come-on boy; crapper dick; decoy; decoyer; decoys; dirt; entrapment; face fucker; fairy hawk; gay dirt; jail bait; jail tail;
        peep-hole-squad; rat; urinal sniffer


        • #5
          Originalmente publicado por rafel
          La brutícia blanquinosa que s'amaga sota els prepucis amb poca higiene.
          Connectant amb un post anterior, aquest és un dels avantatges que es perden els pobres circuncidats. Un altre és l'ejaculació precoç. No m'estranya que vulguin recuperar el prepuci.

