Policias homosexuales.
Pienso que es correcta está iniciativa
Pues a mi en principio me parece bien que esta asociación de policias homosexuales, no olvidemos que en este trabajo como muchos otros es muy homofobo, y puede servir de referente a los mismos policias heteros o no como un referente y cuando un homosexual vaya poner una denuncia por homofofia no olvidaran que tienen compañeros de trabajo gays y quizás ayude a una mayor igualdad. Aunque también creo que se tiene que extender este tipo de educación en el respeto a las personas heteros que a fin de cuentas son la mayoria y son las que tienen que aprender a respetar.
Mentrestant, aquí va el "logo":
Per cert, hi ha una conferència europea sobre policia gay que aquest any es cel·lebra a l'agost a Suècia:
See the difference
Training, information and experience make the difference.
The Swedish National Police Board and the Stockholm County Police will now be organising the third European Gay Police Conference in Stockholm on the 3-4 of August 2006. The symposium is intended for police employees in Europe who are working with LGBT issues.
The symposium will focus on the strategic work carried out in Sweden in relation to: discrimination in the workplace on grounds of sexual orientation, knowledge of the homo culture and hate crimes with homophobic motives.
Invited lecturer- Stefan Strömberg, National Police Commissioner
- Carin Götblad, County Police Commissioner
- The Ombudsman for Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation (HomO)
- The Swedish Federation for Gay and Lesbian Rights (RFSL)
- The staff organisations within the Swedish Police
- The projects “Fritt Fram” and “Under Ytan” (within the framework of Equal - the European Union’s Anti-discrimination Programme)
- The Nordic-Baltic Network for female police officers.
Contact information
Phone +46 8 401 17 70
The European Gay Police Network was created in Amsterdam in 2004. Police employees in 10 European countries were represented at the first Gay Police Conference. The second European Gay Police Conference was held in London in the summer of 2005. More than 400 participants from eight European countries and the US attended the conference.
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